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Roles and responsibilities

Pupil roles and responsibilities



We aim to offer all of our children the opportunities to excell both in class and in the wider world.


Pupils are given the opportunity to develop their skills in leadership, organisation, enterprise and creativity.  There are many working groups within our school to help promote these skills for work, life and learning.


Please have a look at the selection of groups which are offered to the pupils within our school.



Head Boy/Head Girl

Every year our Primary 7 pupils vote for a Head Boy and Head Girl, every pupil is given the opportunity to apply for the job.  The children must write a personal statement and prepare a short speech which they will give to the whole school during Assembly.


Once the children have given their speech every pupil in the school is given the opportunity to vote for who they would like to represent our school.


The role of Head Boy/Girl is very important, these pupils will represent our school on many occasions, help out during Assembly, Sports Days and many more.


                  Head Boy - Keiran                    Head Girl - Lucy      






Deputy Head Boy - Bobby                   Deputy Head Girl - Sophie






Every Primary 7 pupil is given the responsibility of being a prefect.  They help to support the staff within our school by monitoring the corridors, playground and lunch hall. 


At the end of Primary 7 the pupils are given an Activity week which they fundraise for and orgnise themselves as a reward for their support throughout the year.


Pupil Council

Every class has 2 representatives who are voted for and selected from each class to join the School pupil council. 


The pupil council have regular meetings with Mrs McKenzie, they use our school improvement plan to help make our school the best it can be. 


All children are encouraged to give suggestions to members of the pupil council, the children on the council feedback to the rest of the school during Assembly and class time.    






This year we have a group of Primary 6 and 7 children who work along side the Rotary Clubs of Dundee to help raise money for a variety of charities.  These children have coordinated various events to raise money as well as giving up their own time to help out in our community.








Digital Leaders

Our P6's and P7's were given the opportunity to take on a role as a Digital Leader to help develop digital learning in our school.  Through the hard work and decation of the pupil digital leaders nd Mrs Main we have achieved our Digital Schools Award in June 2023.


We have had several meetings to share ideas and plan what we want to do this year. We are also working closely with the Digital Leaders at Our Lady's.


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